Making an Appointment

EMU Counseling Services is a FREE service available to all fully-enrolled EMU students at the Harrisonburg, VA campus. Clinicians are here to listen to you and help you get connected to resources and support.

To schedule an appointment with a clinician, email counseling services at or call our office at 540-432-4317. Appointments are scheduled during open hours on Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.  

Walk-In appointments are brief check-ins, typically lasting 15-20 minutes, available Monday-Friday between 1 and 2 p.m.  (Plan to arrive no later than 1:40.)  No need to call or email ahead of time; just walk in!

We are located in the Wellness Suite on the 2nd floor of University Commons. To get there, enter the Student Life Suite, and walk through the suite following the signs that say Wellness Suite.

Call 540-432-4317 with any questions!


What to expect on your first visit

We estimate that your initial assessment will take approximately 50-60 minutes. To be able to attend the full length of your scheduled appointment we ask that you complete your initial data forms a day to several days before your scheduled appointment. You will find the forms here, on our website. Once you click the link you will see a tab to select for your initial assessment. No appointment is needed to complete your forms. Please complete all forms, or you will be asked to reschedule or complete them during your intake appointment. When you are finished the computer will return to the home screen and you are free to exit the site. Please plan to complete all documentation in one sitting, as the website times out after 10-15 minutes to protect the confidentiality of your responses. If you have any questions Call 540-432-4317 and the front desk attendant would be more than happy to assist you.  

During your first visit, you will meet with a clinician and answer some questions about your concerns. The goal of an initial assessment is to gain a thorough understanding of how you are doing and what would be the most helpful next step. In the intake your counselor may recommend weekly to bi-weekly individual counseling sessions at the center, an on campus resource, or a Harrisonburg community provider/resource. Our goal is to connect you with the best service to meet your needs.

Learn more about who we see and why we see them.

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