Professors David Evans, Kate Clark receive Hertzler-Koshy Faculty Fellowship awards

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has announced the two recipients of its 2024-2025 Hertzler-Koshy Faculty Fellowship grant awards:

Dr. David Evans
Seminary Associate Professor of History and Intercultural Studies, and Director of Intercultural Studies

Evans received the grant to prepare and teach a pilot section of the new CORE 300 “Power, Systems, and Justice” course. This class focuses on race, gender, economic inequality, class, and other dimensions of identity and difference. Students will describe and analyze the ways structural inequality shapes their lives and those around them, and develop skills to work toward equity in their own professional and personal lives. Students will have the opportunity to develop creative and ethical ways of strategically disrupting and transforming unjust systems.

Dr. Kate Clark
Associate Professor of Nursing and Program Director of Public Health

Clark was granted funding for three initiatives. First, she will conduct a review of the current undergraduate nursing curriculum related to nursing care and special considerations for marginalized patient populations. Second, she will gather recommendations from students on content regarding these issues as well as engaging teaching strategies. Finally, she will collaborate with nursing colleagues to develop intentional, scaffolded “threads” through the curriculum focused on racial disparities in health and the care of LGBTQ+ patient populations, and suggest the addition of associated program outcome measures.

Health disparities associated with race and sexual orientation persist throughout health care. Due to these disparities’ implicit and pervasive nature, nurses and other health care workers must understand their existence, explore their reasons, and discuss strategies for nurses to address disparities. EMU’s nursing program aims to provide targeted content on the care of marginalized patient populations.

The Hertzler-Koshy Faculty Fellowship Program, honoring John Asa and Rebecca Hertzler, supports full-time faculty members who encourage student collaborations and advance projects that integrate and infuse diversity into the curriculum with a specific focus on race, ethnicity, disability, and gender content in the curricula (undergraduate, graduate, intercultural programs, training). 

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