From ministry in foster care to envisioning pastors as coaches, culminating projects cap seminary studies

Candidates for Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Leadership at Eastern Mennonite Seminary are required to complete a capstone or ministry specialization project. Their study, research and
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Seminary’s first online gathering for pastors helps to foster connection and innovation among pandemic challenges

As the social restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic caused increasing challenges to those in the ministry, Eastern Mennonite Seminary instructor Sarah Bixler began to sense a need for connection among
... read more about Seminary’s first online gathering for pastors helps to foster connection and innovation among pandemic challenges

‘Loaves and fishes’: Seminary’s Clinical Pastoral Education program honors founding donors Norman and Lena Yutzy

Like the parable of the loaves and fishes, one pastor’s visionary donation more than 20 years ago and his family’s ongoing support to the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program at
... read more about ‘Loaves and fishes’: Seminary’s Clinical Pastoral Education program honors founding donors Norman and Lena Yutzy