Syllabus Inserts

Insert for use in syllabi about plagiarism:

Faculty are encouraged to copy and paste the following blurb on the academic integrity policy into syllabi each semester to educate students on this policy.

Academic Integrity Policy (AIP): EMU faculty and staff care about the integrity of their own work and the work of their students. They create assignments that promote interpretative thinking and work intentionally with students during the learning process. Honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility are characteristics of a community that is active in loving mercy, doing justice, and walking humbly before God. EMU defines plagiarism as occurring when a person presents as one’s own someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source. (Adapted from the Council of Writing Program Administrators). [Taken from “Academic Integrity,” 2017-18 Undergraduate Catalog.] This course will apply EMU’s AIP (see catalog, pp. 20-24) to any events of academic dishonesty.

Insert for use in syllabi about Turnitin:

Faculty are encouraged to copy and paste the following blurb on Turnitin into syllabi each semester to educate students on this policy.

Students at EMU are accountable for the integrity of the work they submit. Thus, you should be familiar with EMU’s Academic Integrity Policy in order to meet the academic expectations concerning appropriate documentation of sources. In addition, EMU is using Turnitin, a learning tool and plagiarism prevention system. For this class, you will submit your papers to Turnitin from Moodle. When grading your work, I will interpret the originality report accordingly, and I will follow the Academic Integrity Policy as appropriate. For more information about and a demo of Turnitin, please see this site: Note that submitted papers become part of the database.

Faculty, you may turn this option off if you do not want your papers to be part of a virtual database. Adapt this statement, then, accordingly. You may also want to include instruction about submitting early drafts to Turnitin. See “turnitinbestpractices.pdf” document on the Writing Program site under Faculty.

Insert for use in syllabi about writing tutoring:

Faculty are encouraged to copy and paste the following blurb on the writing program into syllabi each semester to educate students on this resource.

Please take advantage of the free individual tutoring from our writing tutors. Writing tutors are strong writers who hold scheduled one-on-one sessions with students and are an excellent resource for writers at any level or at any stage in the writing process. Please remember that writing tutors do not provide an editing or proofreading service. They will help you put what you learn into practice and will work with you to improve your own proofreading and editing skills. To make an appointment, please access ASC Tutoring (also accessible through myEMU).

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