Ferdinand Vaweka Djayerombe

Associate Director

Canadian Religious Conference

Ferdinand has a licentiate in law from the University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as well as a Master’s degree in peaceful resolution of conflicts from Eastern Mennonite University (Virginia USA). He worked for nearly eight years in the African Great Lakes region with various non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) involved in peace-making and human rights.

Beyond his experience in facilitation, his work in Canada has involved various challenges in social justice, in particular with Development and Peace – Caritas Canada (Montreal region) and Antennes de paix in Montreal, of which he has been president since 2015. He has been recently working as a Coordinator with ROJEP, the francophone ecumenical network for justice, ecology, and peace. ROJEP includes about thirty faith-based groups working together for reflection and action here in Quebec.

His responsibilities at the CRC include providing leadership and supporting religious communities across Canada in their on-going reflection and action on important questions of peace, justice and the integrity of creation.

This profile was last updated August 20, 2018